Welcome to Intuitive YOU! This course is a place for you to connect even more fully to your divine gifts, your unique energy pathways and the signs and symbols that are always around us!

Is "Intuitive you" for you?

Have you been noticing an awareness that you aren't quite sure how to explain? Maybe you think of something happening, and then it does, or maybe you get a strong feeling about someone and then without asking, they verify what you already know. Maybe you see flashes of peoples face or names in your minds eye, and feel like you are making it up! Spoiler alert: You aren't.

I know that at times, your connection can feel overwhelming. You might even be feeling fear around bringing it to more people. I cant wait to guide you to your amazing, unique super power, and how to use it to serve others, and take the overwhelm out of it!

Who is this course for:

This is for you if you have had an undeniable feeling of taking on others emotions.

This is for you if you already know you have a connection to the metaphysical, but you want clarity and tools to tune in more fully.

This is for you if you want to learn how to turn this magical connection on and off for more ease.

This is for you if you have been searching for answers to your questions about how this all works.

or maybe, You know you have access to spirit, you have even had experiences that have validated your gift, but you need more confidence.

This is for you if you notice visions coming to fruition.

If you are even feeling a pull to one of the above listed feelings....this course is for you!!

I know you are curious! if you are like me, you are scrolling down to see how much this will cost! I see you. I feel you. There will be a payment option, but keep reading so you know what you are signing up for!!

What's included:

7 Modules that will be emailed to you over the course of 3 weeks. Here are a few examples of what we will cover!

  • What's your Super- Power? Tuning into clarity with intention.
  • Metaphysical Rules and graceful conduct.
  • Creating your own unique on and off switch to create and implement boundaries for a more focused experience. 
  • How to fully release excess energy and protect your own.
  • How to vision specifically for a more clear connection.
  • Vision/Planning for your unique connection, and how to serve.
  • Good Business practices.

Also included:

*(3) group Zoom calls for Q&A. You will each have time to ask any questions about your specific gift and unique power! It is so powerful to gather together! This is an important piece. Please only sign up for this course if you can make at least 2 of the 3 calls.

The Zoom calls will be determined as the next course cycle is announced.

*(2) 30 minute intuitive or medium readings by me. This reading will be recorded and can be scheduled within a 12 month period. (**please note. If choosing the payment plan, you will only receive one 30 min. reading)

*Exclusive access to "Connected Clarity-A Design Thoughts Community" A practice space for energy reading. This is a members only group on facebook for up and coming and established, energy workers to practice their gifts. The only people included in this group, are those that have completed, or are active in, Intuitive YOU. You are not required to use this space, but it's available if you want practice.

Practice is one of the most important pieces to confidence and growth with energy work. I am so excited to offer this practice space to you! You will have access to go live in this group to practice your gift, and I will be right there to guide you and answer any questions that come up! I will also be live in this group once a week doing card readings and intuitive forecasts.

NOW!! the part you have all been waiting for! 

When do we get started? To be announced!

Hi, I’m Kim Salter, owner of Design Thoughts Studio.

I am a Clairvoyant Medium, and an EFT practitioner. Energy work has changed how I show up to my life, and I am so excited to continue to teach people how to tune in more fully to their intuition. Energy is around us always! With the courses I offer, you will learn how to use this energy to tap into more ease, and deeper clarity!

Welcome in!

Select a pricing plan and sign up

Website: Design Thoughts Studio