A 3 week course to help you courageously tune into your deep knowing.

I see you! You are getting signs and symbols, but you aren't sure what to do with them. It feels confusing and sometimes frustrating. You want to get so much more clear, but you just dont trust your feelings on these things. You feel synchronicitys or knowings, and as soon as it makes complete sense to you, your doubt comes in and tells you, " You're crazy"! Well friend, I am here to tell you, you are not crazy! 

Fear is Strong. Intuition is Stronger!

I know you are scared to open this up too far. Maybe you have a program running that has taught you that your voice doesn't matter, or its not an act of faith to look deeper into intuitive connection. I hear you. 

I know your dream is to get clear here, to tune into your intuition and your own deep knowing so life can feel easier. I know you dont want to guess anymore, so you have a navigation system you can trust. Here is the good news, you dont have to create this, you just have to uncover it. I will teach you how.

I know that things have felt unclear, and you know you are RIGHT there, so close to understanding. I know that old stories and past traumas have you stuck either in fear or not trusting. You can look back at your life and see how these synchronicity and symbols have played out since you were little. You remember your gut feelings. You know when something feels off, and you are ready to get more clear !

What you will gain?

Over the last 8 years, I have devoted my energy and time to diving deep into intuitive patterning and how it effects outcome. I have guided hundreds of people back to their intuition through one on one coaching and courses.

In this course, Intuitive Flow, I am going to teach you how to move forward from an empowered place.

You will learn not only how to tune into your intuitive voice, but also how to reprogram the codes you carry, that are keeping you from it.

I will teach you:

  • How to trust what you feel the first time.
  • How to reprogram your power codes.
  • How to call your power back from old cycles of mistrust.
  • You will learn my "C3" practice to fully level up your connection to your divine voice!
  • Higher power partnering.
  • (2) Fast practices to get the most aligned answer every single time.

I cant wait to help you get to a place of less worry, and more knowing.


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Who is this course for?

If you KNOW you have connection to your intuition, and you're ready for it to be stronger, this course is for you.

If you want to make decisions for your life with more Clarity, Courage and Confidence, this course is for you.

If you have fear around tuning in too fully to intuition, and relationships around you changing, this course is for you.

If you have a deep belief that your voice doesn't matter, this teaching will change your mind, and this course is for you.

If you are finally ready to make decisions that are in alignment with you and your needs, this course is for you.

How does this course differ from your once per year course, Intuitive YOU?

This course is different in that I focus on guiding you to your most clear connection to your intuition in this course, by reprogramming coding and teaching you fast practices for decision making. Intuitive YOU focuses more on tuning into signs and symbols as well as learning how to turn off your energetic data processing. (Cycle 7 will open in Feb 2021)

Will you be offering a payment plan like your other courses?

YES! see all pricing below. If you sign up before October 1st you will save over $100. I am also offering a 2 month payment plan if that works better for your budgeting.


This course opens on October 26th 2020. I will be releasing all modules at once so you can choose how long it takes you to make it through. If you commit to setting a little time aside each day, you can complete this course in about 3 weeks. If you want to power through you can probably complete it in just a few days! If you want to take your time, you can! Life is busy! You have lifetime access to this course.

I cant wait to how this course changes your connection to your deepest divine knowing!

